Weatherization Program

General Information
Many people would like to lower their household energy bills but need an expert to recommend what steps to take as part of a long-term plan and then need a contractor to perform the work. There are several municipal governments and nonprofits that see home energy use as one the most important ways to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. They also provide Free of Charge home Energy Audits and pay for the necessary repairs to make your home more energy efficient to help you lower your utility costs all year long.

Weatherization Assistance Program W.A.P.
W.A.P. is designed to help low income customers control their energy costs through installation of weatherization materials and education. The weatherization work consists of caulking; weather-stripping; adding ceiling, wall, and floor insulation; patching holes in the building envelopes; and tune-up, repair or replacement of energy inefficient heating and cooling systems. The agreed-upon Federal stimulus plan provides about $50 billion aimed at ushering in a clean-energy future and includes money or tax credits for Americans to weatherize their homes and buy hybrid cars. The bill sets aside $5 billion to weatherize more than 1 million modest-income homes, saving families an average $350 a year.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs offers Texans energy audits (a review of the home's energy efficiency, which identifies where air leaks may be occurring, inefficient appliances, and other measures) and installation of weatherization measures to increase energy efficiency of a home. Households must be at or below 125% of federal poverty guidelines and the home must be able to benefit from being weatherized. Priority is given to households with very low income, small children, elderly resident, or a disabled resident.
Radiant Barrier
Radiant Barrier Coating can control heat absorption in the roof of a house by reflecting back the solar radiation trying to penetrate the attic. The Radiant Barrier is sprayed on the bottom side of the roof deck facing the attic. Attic temperatures will be much lower in the summer, reducing the cooling load on the home and dramatically increasing comfort.
Most attics do not have the proper amount of insulation. In fact, even homes built just a few years ago have only 6 inches of insulation...just enough to get to the top of the joists!. By adding the proper amount of attic insulation, we can significantly reduce your energy bills. Wall insulation is just as important to reduce heat. Many homes have inadequate or no wall insulation.               
Insulated Windows
Insulated windows are the most energy-efficient residential windows on the market today. Homeowners could save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of their homes. Windows are the biggest source of heating and cooling energy loss in homes. By dramatically increasing the R-Value performance for energy-efficiency, Insulated windows can generate the significant heating and cooling savings that make them a brilliant home-improvement investment.          
Energy Saving Tips
  • Install storm windows, or add caulking or sealant to existing windows to reduce the infiltration of cold air in the winter and warm air in the summer.
  • Close drapes or blinds and lock windows to ensure a tight seal.
  • Weather-strip the perimeter of exterior doors.
  • Install insulation in your attic, walls (where accessible), and floors.
  • Set water heater to 120 degrees and add an insulation blanket to the unit (check the manufacturer's label for important information).
  • Add insulation to water pipes.
  • Install low flow shower heads and faucet aerators.
  • Use conservation showerheads to eliminate hot water waste.
  • Install dampers in chimneys
  • Replace filters in heating and cooling systems on a monthly basis.
  • Check the direction of ceiling fans: in the winter, set fans to move air downward (counterclockwise); in the summer, set fans to move air upward (clockwise)
  • Close the damper on fireplaces (when not in use) or add glass doors.
  • Remove furniture and carpeting from heater vents to ensure proper circulation.
  • Adjust the thermostat to slightly lower temperatures in the winter and slightly higher temperatures in the summer when your family is sleeping or away from the home.
  • Replace old appliances with new energy efficient models. Look for the Energy Star label.
  • Install Compact Florescent Lights (CFL), which use 5 times less electricity, last 7 times longer, and produce less heat than an ordinary light bulb.
  • Install solar screens to eliminate solar heat through the windows.
  • Use dishwashers, washers and dryers at night.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, some people who have weatherized their home have saved an average of $300 in annual utility costs while adding an estimated $1,000 to the value of their home.

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